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Career Planning


Finding the Right Pratice

Start the Job Hunt

It’s time to see what’s out there!  Remember to avoid focusing only on open positions.  Many programs may never need to post open positions if they know of candidates beforehand.  And oftentimes programs may be aware of future needs related to hospital expansions, retirements, etc., well in advance of these needs.

Start the Job Hunt

If you’ve defined your ideal position, you will be well positioned to begin this next step. Neonatology Solutions offers two search directories:   NICU Search and Job Search.

If you are early in your training, start by using the Search NICU Directory link to find programs that align with your ideal position.  Reach out to the medical directors and division chairs to assess their programs and opportunities.  

If you’re a bit later in the game and wish to look just at programs actively hiring, use the Search Job Directory link. Both links can be found here: Explore NICUs and Programs.

It’s time to see what’s out there!  Remember to avoid focusing only on open positions.  Many programs may never need to post open positions if they know of candidates beforehand.  And oftentimes programs may be aware of future needs related to hospital expansions, retirements, etc., well in advance of these needs.

Start the Job Hunt

If you’ve defined your ideal position, you will be well positioned to begin this next step.  Neonatology Solutions offers two search directories:   NICU Search and Job Search.  

If you are early in your training, start by using the Search NICU Directory link to find programs that align with your ideal position.  Reach out to the medical directors and division chairs to assess their programs and opportunities.  

If you’re a bit later in the game and wish to look just at programs actively hiring, use the Search Job Directory link.  Both links can be found here: Explore NICUs and Programs.

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Disclaimer:  All content above is solely the work product of the authors.  Neonatology Solutions, LLC, makes no endorsement or statement of safety, efficacy, or appropriateness of any of the protocols, pathways, guidelines, or algorithms contained within.  They should be thoroughly reviewed against any available evidence prior to adoption.  This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed or relied upon as a standard of care.  Any questions or concerns should be directed to the authors and/or the listed contact person.  Good clinical judgement should always prevail when applying any standardized approach.  We recommend that institutions review these protocols, pathways, guidelines, and algorithms and accept, modify, or reject them based on their own institutional resources and patient populations.  Neonatology Solutions, LLC, assumes no liability for any outcomes arising from use of these tools.